Edgar Laurent Tuberculosis Foundation Act
Act 85 of 1951
- Commenced on 31 December 1951
- [This is the version of this document at 30 June 2017.]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Edgar Laurent Tuberculosis Foundation Act.1A. Interpretation
In this Act—"Board" means the Board of Trustees referred to in section 5;"Foundation" means the Edgar Laurent Tuberculosis Foundation established under section 2.2. The Edgar Laurent Tuberculosis Foundation
There is established for the purposes of this Act the Edgar Laurent Tuberculosis Foundation, which shall be a body corporate.3. Objects of Foundation
The objects of the Foundation shall be to—4. Powers of Foundation
The Foundation, through its Board of Trustees, shall have all the powers of a body corporate.5. Board of Trustees
For the purpose of managing the Foundation and exercising any of the powers vested in the Foundation by this Act, there shall be a Board of Trustees which shall consist of 6 members, including a Chairperson, who shall be appointed by the Minister to whom responsibility for the subject of health is assigned.6. Officers of Board
7. Vacancy on Board
8. Acts valid in spite of vacancy
Any act performed by the Board, or any power exercised by it, shall not be deemed to have been invalid or invalidly performed, as the case may be, by reason only of a vacancy in the Board through any of the causes mentioned in section 7 but if at any time, the number of members is reduced to less than 3, the Board shall discontinue the exercise of its powers.9. Proceedings of Board
10. Signing documents
Every document relating to the Foundation shall be signed by the Chairperson and Secretary of the Board.11. Property of Foundation
The property of the Foundation shall be applied towards the furtherance of the objects for which the Foundation was established and no portion of that property shall be distributed or transferred in any manner by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise.12. Accounts of Foundation
13. Annual report
The Board shall, on or before 30 November every year, report to the President on the general progress of the Foundation and annex to such report the statement of accounts referred to in section 12 duly audited by the auditor together with the report of such auditor.[S. 13 amended by Act 48 of 1991.]14. Donations and legacies
Article 910 of the Code Civil Mauricien shall not apply to the Foundation.15. Registration duty
All donations and legacies of which the Foundation is a beneficiary shall be registered free of charge.History of this document
30 June 2017 this version
31 December 1951