United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (Privileges) Act

Act 23 of 1968

United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (Privileges) Act


United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (Privileges) Act

Act 23 of 1968

  • Commenced on 29 June 1968
  • [This is the version of this document at 30 June 2017.]

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (Privileges) Act.

2. Interpretation

In this Act—"agreement" means the agreement signed on 12 March 1968 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Government of Mauritius regarding the facilities for a detection station;"Authority" means—(a)the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority;(b)any other department or agency nominated by the Government of the United Kingdom for the purpose of the agreement; or(c)any undertaking or person who performs services or executes work in relation to the agreement under contract with the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority or other department or agency nominated by the Government of the United Kingdom but does not include an undertaking whose permanent place of business is in Mauritius or persons who ordinarily reside in or are citizens of Mauritius;"Minister" means the Minister to whom responsibility for the subject of external affairs is assigned;"personnel"(a)includes—(i)a person in the service of the Authority;(ii)his spouse; and(iii)a person who is wholly or mainly maintained by him or in his custody, charge or care; but(b)does not include a person who ordinarily resides in, or is a citizen of, Mauritius.

3. Privileges

No duty or similar charge that would otherwise be payable under any enactment shall be imposed on, or collected from, the Government of the United Kingdom, the Authority or the personnel in respect of any of the matters referred to, and for which exemption from the duty or similar charge is provided, in the Schedule to the extent and subject to the conditions specified in it.

4. Exemptions

The Authority shall be exempt from compliance with the Building Act and the Town and Country Planning Act.

5. Evidence

Where in any proceedings any question arises whether or not a person is entitled to a privilege under section 3, a certificate issued by or under the authority of the Minister stating any fact relevant to that question shall be conclusive evidence of that fact.

Schedule (Section 3)


The Government of the United Kingdom itself or through the agency of the Authority may import and subsequently re-export free of duty all equipment, apparatus, vehicles, provisions, supplies and other goods required for the construction or operation of the detection station.Personnel of the Authority shall have the right to import duty free personal and household effects and furniture and a private motor vehicle for personal use at the time of or within a reasonable period after entry into Mauritius, items which have been imported duty free under this paragraph may be re-exported freely and without payment of duty or may without payment of duty be sold or otherwise disposed of in Mauritius to other persons entitled to like rights of importation or to other persons, but where, but for the exemptions conferred by this paragraph, they would be chargeable to duty on importation they may only be sold or otherwise disposed of in Mauritius to other persons on payment of duty on their current value.
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History of this document

30 June 2017 this version
29 June 1968