Caudan Bridges, Port Louis (Authorised Construction) Act

Act 15 of 1996

Caudan Bridges, Port Louis (Authorised Construction) Act


Caudan Bridges, Port Louis (Authorised Construction) Act

Act 15 of 1996

  • Commenced on 17 August 1996
  • [This is the version of this document at 30 June 2017.]

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Caudan Bridges, Port Louis (Authorised Con­struction) Act.

2. Interpretation

In this Act—"Company" means the Caudan Development Limited, incorporated in Mauritius on 17 February 1989;"Minister" means the Minister to whom responsibility for the subject of land use is assigned.

3. Permission to build

(1)The Company may, subject to such conditions as the Minister may impose, build 2 bridges over Pouce Stream for the purpose of giving access to the Caudan Area.
(2)The Company shall, at all times and at its own cost, maintain the bridges in good repair and ensure that there are not a source of danger to the public.

4. Public domain

The bridges—
(a)shall not be part of the public domain; and
(b)shall be the property of Government of Mauritius.

5. Annual fee

(1)The Company shall, on 1 July in every year, pay to the Government of Mauritius and to the Municipal Council of Port Louis, such fees as the Minister may determine.
(2)The fees provided for under subsection (1) may be revised every 5 years.

6. Amendment of Schedule

The Minister may, by regulations, amend the Schedule.

Schedule (Section 3)

1.The first bridge shall be—
(a)at a distance of about 60 metres from the existing bridge over Pouce Stream;
(b)at a height of 2.5 metres above water level;
(c)at a length of 19 metres and a width of 6 metres;
(d)of such construction and design as the Minister may approve.
2.The second bridge shall be­—
(a)at a distance of about 200 metres from the existing bridge near Pouce Stream, on the New Southern Entrance Road (M1);
(b)at a height of 2.5 metres above water level;
(c)at a length of 27.5 metres and a width of 3 metres;
(d)of such construction and design as the Minister may approve.
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History of this document

30 June 2017 this version
17 August 1996