Manufacturing Sector Workers Welfare Fund Act
Act 29 of 2012
- Commenced on 1 March 2014
- [This is the version of this document at 30 June 2017.]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Manufacturing Sector Workers Welfare Fund Act.2. Interpretation
In this Act—"authorised officer" means such officer as may be authorised by the General Manager in writing;"Board" means the Board referred to in section 6;"CBRD" means the Central Business Registration Database established under the Business Registration Act;"Chairperson" means the Chairperson of the Board;"child", in relation to a worker—(a)means his unmarried child, stepchild or adopted child, who is under the age of 18; and(b)includes—(i)an unmarried child under the age of 18 whose guardianship or custody is entrusted to the worker by virtue of any other enactment or of an order of a Court of competent jurisdiction;(ii)an unmarried child under the age of 18 placed in the worker's foster care by virtue of an order of a Court of competent jurisdiction;"committee" means a committee set up by the Board under section 10;"contribution" means the contribution referred to in section 18;"financial year" has the same meaning as in the Finance and Audit Act;"Fund" means the Manufacturing Sector Workers Welfare Fund established under section 4;"General Manager" means the General Manager of the Fund appointed under section 12;"manufacturing enterprise" means an enterprise employing 10 or more workers in a field specified in the First Schedule;"member"—(a)means a member of the Board; and(b)includes the Chairperson;"Minister" means the Minister to whom responsibility for the subject of labour is assigned;"officer"—(a)means any officer appointed under section 14; and(b)includes the General Manager;"worker"—(a)means a person employed by a manufacturing enterprise and whose basic wage or salary does not exceed the rate specified in the Second Schedule; and(b)includes a retired worker who has previously contributed to the Fund; but(c)does not include—(i)a trainee; or(ii)a worker in employment for less than a calendar month.3. Application of Act
This Act shall apply to the Island of Mauritius only.Part II – The Fund
4. Establishment of Fund
5. Object and functions of Fund
Part III – Administration of Fund
6. The Board
7. Powers of Board
The Board shall have such powers as are necessary to attain its objects and discharge its functions most effectively and may, in particular—8. Vacancy in membership of Board
9. Meetings of Board
10. Committees
11. Disclosure of interest
12. General Manager
13. Delegation
14. Appointment of officers
15. Conditions of service of officers
16. Powers of Minister
Part IV – Registration, contribution and loan
17. Registration of manufacturing enterprises
18. Contribution to Fund
19. Penalty for late remittance of contribution
20. Enforcement
21. Grant of loans
The Board may grant loans to workers for such purposes and on such terms and conditions as it may determine.22. Repayment of loans
Part V – Financial provisions and accounts
23. General Fund
The Fund shall establish a General Fund—24. Donations and exemptions
25. Transfer of property and borrowing
26. Estimates
27. Execution of documents
No deed, instrument, contract, cheque or other document shall be executed or signed by or on behalf of the Fund unless it is signed by—28. Annual report
Part VI – Miscellaneous
29. Protection from liability
No liability, civil or criminal, shall be incurred by the Fund, the Board, any committee, a member or any officer in respect of any act done or omitted in good faith in the performance of its or his functions or exercise of its or his powers under this Act.30. Confidentiality
No member, officer or any person appointed as member of a committee shall disclose to any unauthorised person any matter which comes to his knowledge in the performance of his functions.31. Offences
Any person who—32. Jurisdiction
Notwithstanding—33. Regulations
The Minister may—34. ***
35. ***
36. Transitional provisions and savings
37. ***
History of this document
30 June 2017 this version
01 March 2014