Order Under Regulation 5 of the Quarantine (Quarantinable Diseases) Regulations 2020

General Notice 460 of 2020

Order Under Regulation 5 of the Quarantine (Quarantinable Diseases) Regulations 2020


Order Under Regulation 5 of the Quarantine (Quarantinable Diseases) Regulations 2020

General Notice 460 of 2020

  1. [Repealed by Order Under regulation 13(2) of the Prevention and Mitigation of Infectious Disease (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 (General Notice 514 of 2020) on 23 March 2020]
Being satisfied that the prohibition of the boarding on, or disembarkment from, the conveyance of a person is necessary to avert a danger to public health, including the prevention of the spread of a quarantinable disease in Mauritius, I am, by order, prohibiting any passenger, excluding crew members, from boarding or disembarking from a conveyance as from 10:00 am on 19th March 2020 for a period of 15 days.Dr. K. K. S. JagutpalMinister of Health and Wellness
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History of this document

19 March 2020 this version
Assented to
Published in Government Gazette 28