COVID-19 (Closing Down of Premises and Restriction of Activities and Movement in Public Places) Regulations 2020

Government Notice 101 of 2020

COVID-19 (Closing Down of Premises and Restriction of Activities and Movement in Public Places) Regulations 2020


COVID-19 (Closing Down of Premises and Restriction of Activities and Movement in Public Places) Regulations 2020

Government Notice 101 of 2020

  1. [Repealed by COVID-19 (Closing Down of Premises and Restriction of Activities and Movement in Public Places) (Revocation) Regulations 2020 (Government Notice 131 of 2020) on 15 June 2020]
1.These regulations may be cited as the COVID-19 (Closing Down of Premises and Restriction of Activities and Movement in Public Places) Regulations 2020.
2.InterpretationIn these regulations –"Act" means the Public Health Act;"Covid-19" means the virus known as the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
3.These regulations shall apply to the Island of Mauritius and shall not apply to the Island of Rodrigues and the Island of Agaléga.
4.For the purposes of preventing a resurgence and further spread of Covid-19 within the Island of Mauritius –
(a)the premises listed in Part A of the First Schedule shall be closed and remain closed until 15 June 2020;
(b)the events or activities specified in Part B of the First Schedule shall not be carried out until 15 June 2020; and
(c)no person shall attend the public places specified in Part C of the First Schedule until 15 June 2020.
5.Subject to the preventive and sanitary measures specified in the Second Schedule –
(a)premises, other than those listed in Part A of the First Schedule, may be opened;
(b)events or activities, other than those listed in Part B of the First Schedule, may be carried out; and
(c)public places, other than those listed in Part C of the First Schedule, may be attended to.
6.Any person who fails to comply with these regulations shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 200,000 rupees and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years.
7.General Notice No. 577 of 2020 is hereby revoked.
8.These regulations shall come into operation on 30 May 2020.

First Schedule (Regulation 4)

Part A – Premises to remain closed until 15 June 2020

Amusement centreAquarium for public viewingBookmakerCasino and Gaming houseTheatreNightclubCinema hallMulti-purpose hall, including wedding hallFitness centre (gymnasium/sport complex)Village hall/community centre/social welfare centre/youth centreLeisure park

Part B – Events or activities not to be carried out until 15 June 2020

Fair (fun fair/fancy fair/trade fair/commercial fair)Public eventSports eventHorse racingGathering for weddingTeam sportPublic auctionCultural/social event or gatheringReligious gathering outside place of worship

Part C – Public places not to be attended until 15 June 2020

Public beachPublic gardenChildren’s playgroundNational park and nature reserves

Second Schedule (Regulation 5)

Preventive and sanitary measures

1.There shall be social distancing markings of at least one meter, by way of floor markings, outside and within all premises. Every person shall adhere strictly to these markings.
2.Every person having access to premises shall wear a protective mask over his nose and mouth.
3.Entry to premises shall be refused to a person showing flu-like symptoms (high temperature, runny nose or coughing).
4.Social distancing of at least 5 metres shall be observed during individual sports activities and on health and jogging tracks.
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History of this document

30 May 2020 this version
Assented to
Published in Government Gazette 68