Light Rail (COVID-19 Sanitary Measures) Regulations 2020

Government Notice 91 of 2020

This is the version of this Government Notice as it was from 30 May 2020 to 14 June 2020. Read the latest available version.
Light Rail (COVID-19 Sanitary Measures) Regulations 2020


Light Rail (COVID-19 Sanitary Measures) Regulations 2020

Government Notice 91 of 2020

  1. [Amended by Light Rail (COVID-19 Sanitary Measures) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 (Government Notice 103 of 2020) on 30 May 2020]

Regulations made by the Minister under section 45A of the Light Rail Act 2019

1. Short title

These regulations may be cited as the Light Rail (COVID-19 Sanitary Measures) Regulations 2020.

2. Interpretation

In these regulations –"Act" means the Light Rail Act 2019;"senior citizen" means a person aged 60 or above."Work Access Permit" [definition of "Work Access Permit" deleted by section 3 of Government Notice 103 of 2020]

3. Obligations of light rail operator

(1)The light rail operator shall ensure that –
(a)the light rail premises are cleaned on a daily basis prior to, and after, operation;
(b)every light rail vehicle is regularly disinfected;
(c)hand sanitisers are made available on board every light rail vehicle;
(d)protective equipment is provided to personnel working on board a light rail vehicle and at a light rail station;
(e)body temperature checks of passengers and of light rail crews are carried out before they board on, or when they are inside, any light rail vehicle; and
(f)markings are put in place to clearly indicate physical distancing requirements on board every light rail vehicle and at every light rail station.
(2)For the purpose of paragraph (1)(e), the light rail operator shall, in every light rail vehicle, affix, in a conspicuous manner, a sticker, poster or notice on the seats or such standing areas which are not to be occupied by a passenger.

4. Conduct of passengers

(1)Every person shall, whilst being on any light rail premises or light rail commuter facility –
(a)wear a protective mask over his mouth and nose;[paragraph (a) amended by section 4(a) of Government Notice 103 of 2020]
(b)comply with crowd management and physical distancing requirements as an authorised officer may determine;
(c)be subject to a body temperature check before boarding a light rail vehicle;
(d)sanitise his hands upon acceding the light rail station and before boarding a light rail vehicle; and
(e)abide by such other sanitary requirements as the light rail operator may determine.
(2)Every passenger on board a light rail vehicle shall –
(a)wear a protective face mask over his mouth and nose;[paragraph (a) amended by section 4(b) of Government Notice 103 of 2020]
(b)comply with crowd management and physical distancing requirements as set out by the light rail operator; and
(c)abide by such other sanitary requirements as the light rail operator may determine.

5. Restrictions on travelling

(1)Subject to paragraph (2), no senior citizen shall travel in a light rail during the peak hours of 06h00 to 10h00 and 14h30 to 19h00 on week days.
(2)Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a senior citizen who travels in a light rail for the purpose of –
(a)attending work; or
(b)availing himself of medical treatment or procuring medicine.
[regulation 5 substituted by section 5 of Government Notice 103 of 2020]

6. Operating hours of light rail

The operating hours of the light rail shall be such hours as may be approved by NLTA, with peak hours from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. or at such other time as NLTA may determine.

7. Powers of authorised officers

Where an authorised officer has reasonable grounds to suspect that a person has committed or attempted to commit, or is committing or attempting to commit, an offence under these regulations, the authorised officer may –
(a)prevent that person from entering any light rail premises or from boarding any light rail vehicle;
(b)remove that person from any light rail premises or from any light rail vehicle; and
(c)request that person to provide his name and address.

8. Offences

(1)Any person who –
(a)fails to wear a protective face mask on any light rail premises, on any light rail commuter facility or on board any light rail vehicle;
(b)fails to comply with crowd management and physical distancing requirements as set out by the light rail operator on any light rail premises, on any light rail commuter facility or on board any light rail vehicle;
(c)refuses to be subjected to a body temperature check before boarding a light rail vehicle;
(d)fails to sanitise his hands upon acceding the light rail premises or before boarding a light rail vehicle;
(e)removes, defaces, alters or otherwise interferes with any sticker, poster or notice which has been affixed in a light rail vehicle;
(f)threatens, molests, hinders or obstructs an authorised officer in the exercise of his powers under these regulations;
(g)provides false or misleading information to an authorised officer;
(h)fails to abide by such other sanitary requirements as the light rail operator may determine on any light rail premises, on any light rail commuter facility or on board any light rail vehicle; or
(i)otherwise contravenes these regulations,
shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 50,000 rupees and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years.
(2)Where all the seats and standing areas designated for the carriage of passengers in a light rail vehicle are occupied and the light rail operator admits other passengers therein, the light rail operator shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 50,000 rupees.


These regulations shall come into operation on 16 May 2020.

Schedule (Regulation 5(2)(a))


[schedule repealed by section 6 of Government Notice 103 of 2020]
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History of this document

17 May 2020
Published in Government Gazette 58
Read this version
16 May 2020
Assented to