
441 documents
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Education Act Act 39 of 1957 30 June 2017
Electronic Transactions Act Act 23 of 2000 30 June 2017
Emergency Powers Act Act 5 of 1968 30 June 2017
Employees’ Welfare Fund Act Act 13 of 1995 30 June 2017
Employment and Training Act Act 14 of 1963 30 June 2017
Employment Relations Act Act 32 of 2008 30 June 2017
Employment Rights Act Act 33 of 2008 30 June 2017
End of the Year Gratuity Act Act 21 of 2001 30 June 2017
Energy Efficiency Act Act 3 of 2011 30 June 2017
Environment and Land Use Appeal Tribunal Act Act 5 of 2012 30 June 2017
Environment Protection Act Act 19 of 2002 30 June 2017
EPZDA, MIDA and SUBEX-M (Transfer of Undertaking) Act Act 19 of 2005 30 June 2017
Equal Opportunities Act Act 42 of 2008 30 June 2017
Essential Commodities Act Act 8 of 1991 30 June 2017
Excise Act Act 14 of 1994 30 June 2017
Explosives Act Act 34 of 1959 30 June 2017
Export Processing Zones Development Authority Act Act 46 of 1990 30 June 2017
Export Processing Zones Labour Welfare Fund Act Act 5 of 1987 30 June 2017
Fair Trading Act Act 26 of 1979 30 June 2017
Family Allowance Act Act 62 of 1961 30 June 2017
Fashion and Design Institute Act Act 11 of 2008 30 June 2017
Films Act Act 41 of 2002 30 June 2017
Finance and Audit Act Act 38 of 1973 30 June 2017
Finance and Audit (Amendment of Schedule) (No. 2) Regulations 2020 Government Notice 85 of 2020 28 April 2020
Finance and Audit (Amendment of Schedule) Regulations 2020 Government Notice 70 of 2020 28 March 2020
Finance and Audit (COVID-19 Projects Development Fund) Regulations 2020 Government Notice 84 of 2020 28 April 2020
Finance and Audit (COVID-19 Solidarity Fund) Regulations 2020 Government Notice 71 of 2020 28 March 2020
Financial Intelligence and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2002 Act 6 of 2002 10 June 2002
Financial Intelligence and Anti-Money Laundering Regulations 2018 Government Notice 108 of 2018 28 September 2018
Financial Reporting Act Act 45 of 2004 30 June 2017
Financial Services Act Act 14 of 2007 30 June 2017
Firearms Act Act 2 of 2006 30 June 2017
Fire Services Act Act 56 of 1953 30 June 2017
Fisheries and Marine Resources Act Act 27 of 2008 30 June 2017
Fishermen Welfare Fund Act Act 28 of 2000 30 June 2017
Food Act Act 1 of 1998 30 June 2017
Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute Act Act 21 of 2013 30 June 2017
Food and Agricultural Research Council Act Act 20 of 1997 30 June 2017
Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act Act 35 of 1961 30 June 2017
Foreign Travel Tax Act Act 11 of 1978 30 June 2017
Forests and Reserves Act Act 41 of 1983 30 June 2017
Foundations Act Act 8 of 2012 30 June 2017
Freeport Act Act 43 of 2004 30 June 2017
Gahlot Rajput Foundation Act Act 51 of 1983 30 June 2017
Gambling Regulatory Authority Act Act 9 of 2007 30 June 2017
Gandhi Ashram Khadi Vidyalaya Act Act 5 of 1973 30 June 2017
General Notice under Regulation 16(1) of the Prevention and Mitigation of Infectious Disease (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 General Notice 577 of 2020 4 May 2020
General Notice under Regulation 16(1) of the Prevention and Mitigation of Infectious Disease (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 General Notice 562 of 2020 14 April 2020
General Notice Under Regulation 16(1) of the Prevention and Mitigation of Infectious Disease (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 General Notice 515 of 2020 26 March 2020
Genetically Modified Organisms Act Act 3 of 2004 30 June 2017
Geneva Conventions Act Act 59 of 1970 30 June 2017