
441 documents
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Government Guarantees (Development Purposes) Act Act 44 of 1970 30 June 2017
Government Payable Orders Act Act 2 of 1955 30 June 2017
Government Social Welfare Centres Act Act 64 of 1961 30 June 2017
Ground Water Act Act 55 of 1969 30 June 2017
Hervé Masson Foundation Act Act 21 of 1992 30 June 2017
Hindi Pracharini Sabha Act Act 36 of 2004 30 June 2017
Hindi-speaking Union Act Act 33 of 1994 30 June 2017
Hindu Maha Jana Sangham Act Act 3 of 1980 30 June 2017
Hire Purchase and Credit Sale Act Act 6 of 1964 30 June 2017
HIV and AIDS Act Act 31 of 2006 30 June 2017
Hotel and Catering Training School (Levy of Fees) Act Act 1 of 1980 30 June 2017
Human Resource Development Act Act 27 of 2003 30 June 2017
Human Service Trust Fund Act Act 52 of 1984 30 June 2017
Human Tissue (Removal, Preservation and Transplant) Act Act 5 of 2006 30 June 2017
Immigration Act Act 13 of 1970 30 June 2017
Importation of Publications (Prohibition) Act Act 61 of 1953 30 June 2017
Independent Broadcasting Authority Act Act 29 of 2000 30 June 2017
Independent Police Complaints Commission Act Act 14 of 2016 30 June 2017
Indian Traders’ Association Act Act 14 of 1946 30 June 2017
Industrial Court Act Act 68 of 1973 30 June 2017
Inflammable Liquids and Substances Act Act 51 of 1952 30 June 2017
Information and Communication Technologies Act Act 44 of 2001 30 June 2017
Inscription of Privileges and Mortgages Act Act 73 of 1946 30 June 2017
Insolvency Act Act 3 of 2009 30 June 2017
Insolvency (Extension of Time during COVID-19 Period) Regulations 2020 Government Notice 163 of 2020 23 July 2020
Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies Act Act 26 of 2011 30 June 2017
Insurance Act Act 21 of 2005 30 June 2017
International Arbitration Act Act 37 of 2008 30 June 2017
International Criminal Court Act Act 27 of 2011 30 June 2017
International Development Research Centre (Immunities and Privileges) Act Act 34 of 1980 30 June 2017
International Financial Organisations Act Act 40 of 1968 30 June 2017
International Organisations and Conferences (Privileges and Immunities) Act Act 47 of 1970 30 June 2017
International System of Units (SI) Act Act 6 of 1984 30 June 2017
Interpretation and General Clauses Act Act 33 of 1974 30 June 2017
Investment Disputes (Enforcement of Awards) Act Act 12 of 1969 30 June 2017
Investment Promotion Act Act 42 of 2000 30 June 2017
Irrigation Authority Act Act 39 of 1978 30 June 2017
Islamic Cultural Centre Trust Fund Act Act 46 of 1989 30 June 2017
La Clinique Mauricienne Act Act 36 of 1957 30 June 2017
Land Acquisition Act Act 54 of 1973 30 June 2017
Land (Duties and Taxes) Act Act 46 of 1984 30 June 2017
Landlord and Tenant Act Act 6 of 1999 30 June 2017
Land Surveyors Act Act 11 of 1976 30 June 2017
LAVIMS (Project Implementation) Act Act 38 of 2008 30 June 2017
Law Officers Act Act 40 of 1957 30 June 2017
Law Reform Commission Act Act 26 of 2005 30 June 2017
Legal Aid and Legal Assistance Act Act 57 of 1973 30 June 2017
Legal Metrology Act Act 57 of 1985 30 June 2017
Le Morne Heritage Trust Fund Act Act 10 of 2004 30 June 2017
Leonard Cheshire Mauritius Act Act 48 of 1956 30 June 2017