
441 documents
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Plant Protection Act Act 10 of 2006 30 June 2017
Police Act Act 19 of 1974 30 June 2017
Police Complaints Act Act 20 of 2012 30 June 2017
Police (Membership of Trade Union) Act Act 25 of 2016 30 June 2017
Ports Act Act 3 of 1998 30 June 2017
Postal Services Act Act 34 of 2002 30 June 2017
Post Office (Transfer of Undertaking) Act Act 31 of 2002 30 June 2017
Pouce Stream (Authorised Construction) Act Act 32 of 1992 30 June 2017
Prajapita Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University Trust (Mauritius Branch) Act Act 44 of 1983 30 June 2017
Presbyterian Church of Mauritius Act Act 7 of 1979 30 June 2017
Prescription of Landed Property Act Act 41 of 1969 30 June 2017
President’s Emoluments and Pension Act Act 12 of 1992 30 June 2017
Prevention of Corruption Act, 2002 Act 5 of 2002 1 April 2002
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act Act 25 of 1957 30 June 2017
Prevention of Resurgence and Further Spread of Epidemic Disease (COVID-19) Regulations 2020 Government Notice 92 of 2020 17 May 2020
Prevention of Terrorism Act Act 2 of 2002 30 June 2017
Prevention of Terrorism (Denial of Bail) Act Act 3 of 2002 30 June 2017
Prices and Consumer Protection Advisory Committee Act Act 57 of 1983 30 June 2017
Private Health Institutions Act Act 11 of 1989 30 June 2017
Private Pension Schemes Act Act 15 of 2012 30 June 2017
Private Secondary Education Authority Act Act 20 of 1976 30 June 2017
Private Security Service Act Act 5 of 2004 30 June 2017
Probation of Offenders Act Act 58 of 1946 30 June 2017
Professional Architects’ Council Act Act 7 of 2011 30 June 2017
Professional Land Surveyors’ Council Act Act 4 of 2014 30 June 2017
Professional Quantity Surveyors’ Council Act Act 7 of 2013 30 June 2017
Professor Basdeo Bissoondoyal Trust Fund Act Act 1 of 2005 30 June 2017
Protected Cell Companies Act Act 37 of 1999 30 June 2017
Protection against Unfair Practices (Industrial Property Rights) Act Act 22 of 2002 30 June 2017
Protection from Domestic Violence Act Act 6 of 1997 30 June 2017
Protection of Elderly Persons Act Act 16 of 2005 30 June 2017
Protection of Human Rights Act Act 19 of 1998 30 June 2017
Public Bodies Appeal Tribunal Act Act 10 of 2008 30 June 2017
Public Collections Act Act 38 of 1965 30 June 2017
Public Gatherings Act Act 30 of 1991 30 June 2017
Public Holidays Act Act 22 of 1968 30 June 2017
Public Officers’ Fees Act Act 39 of 1948 30 June 2017
Public Officers’ Protection Act Act 45 of 1957 30 June 2017
Public Officers’ Welfare Council Act Act 28 of 1992 30 June 2017
Public-Private Partnership Act Act 37 of 2004 30 June 2017
Public Procurement Act Act 33 of 2006 30 June 2017
Public Service Commission Act Act 23 of 1953 30 June 2017
Quarantine Act Act 39 of 1953 30 June 2017
Quarantine (COVID-19) Regulations 2020 Government Notice 122 of 2020 25 November 2020
Queen Elizabeth II Avenue, Port Louis (Authorised Construction) Act Act 46 of 1991 30 June 2017
Queen Street Bridge Act Act 22 of 1979 30 June 2017
Rabindranath Tagore Institute Act Act 48 of 2002 30 June 2017
Rabita-al-Alam-al-Islami (Mauritius Branch) Act Act 15 of 1981 30 June 2017
Radiation Protection Act Act 46 of 2003 30 June 2017
Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre Trust Fund Act Act 6 of 1994 30 June 2017