Quarantine (COVID-19) Regulations 2020

Government Notice 122 of 2020

This is the version of this Government Notice as it was from 27 October 2020 to 24 November 2020. Read the latest available version.
Quarantine (COVID-19) Regulations 2020
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Quarantine (COVID-19) Regulations 2020

Government Notice 122 of 2020

  1. [Amended by Quarantine (COVID-19) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 (Government Notice 133 of 2020) on 18 June 2020]
  2. [Amended by Quarantine (COVID-19) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2020 (Government Notice 159 of 2020) on 22 July 2020]
  3. [Amended by Quarantine (COVID-19) (Amendment No. 3) Regulations 2020 (Government Notice 186 of 2020) on 18 August 2020]
  4. [Amended by Quarantine (COVID-19) (Amendment No. 4) Regulations 2020 (Government Notice 254 of 2020) on 27 October 2020]

Regulations made by the Minister under section 13 of the Quarantine Act 2020

1. Short title

These regulations may be cited as the Quarantine (COVID-19) Regulations 2020.

2. Interpretation

In these regulations –"Act" means the Quarantine Act 2020;"certificate of quarantine" means a certificate as set out in the First Schedule;"child" means a person under the age of 18;"COVID-19" means the virus known as Wuhan novel COVID-19 (2019-nCoV);"parent", in relation to a child(a)means –(i)his father, mother, legal guardian or caregiver;(ii)his step father or step mother; and(b)includes any other person who has the custody, or is in control, of the child;"quarantine facility" means a place designated by the Minister for the confinement of persons;[definition of "quarantine facility" substituted by section 3(a) of Government Notice 186 of 2020]"quarantine period" means the period starting on 12 June 2020 and ending on 30 November 2020.[definition of "quarantine period" amended by section 3(b) of Government Notice 186 of 2020 and by section 3 of Government Notice 254 of 2020]

3. Application of regulations

(1)These regulations shall be in addition to, and not in derogation from, the Quarantine Regulations 1953.
(2)In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between these regulations and the Quarantine Regulations 1953, these regulations shall prevail.

4. Confinement of persons in quarantine facilities

(1)Where, during the quarantine period, a person –
(a)is suspected of being infected with COVID-19;
(b)travels into Mauritius from abroad;
(c)has been or may have been in contact with another person who has been, or may have been, infected with COVID-19; or
(d)has otherwise been exposed to COVID-19,
that person may, subject to these regulations, be confined in a quarantine facility.
(2)Where a person is to be confined in a quarantine facility, the quarantine officer shall issue to that person a certificate of quarantine.

5. Medical examination and assessment of quarantined person

(1)Where a person is confined in a quarantine facility, the quarantine officer shall carry out –
(a)a medical examination on the person, by taking the person’s biological sample, including a sample of the person’s respiratory secretions or blood by appropriate means or by swabbing the person’s nasopharyngeal cavity, or by requiring the person to provide such a sample; and
(b)such other assessment as may be necessary in relation to the person.
(2)For the purpose of paragraph (1)(b), an assessment may require the person to –
(a)answer questions about his health or other relevant circumstances, including travel history and information about other persons with whom he may have travelled or had contact with;
(b)produce any document which may assist the quarantine officer to assess his health;
(c)provide his contact details or such other sufficient information so that he may be contacted immediately.
(3)Where the person is a child, the parent of the child shall –
(a)allow a quarantine officer to take a biological sample of the child, including a sample of his respiratory secretions or blood by appropriate means or by swabbing his nasopharyngeal cavity, or to provide such a sample; and
(b)ensure that the child answers questions in accordance with paragraph (2)(a);
(c)produce any document, required under paragraph (2)(b), on the child’s behalf;
(d)provide such information as required under paragraph (2)(c);
(e)answer the questions where the child is unable to do so or cannot reliably do so.
(4)Any person who is tested as being infected with COVID-19 shall, forthwith, be transferred to a hospital for treatment.

6. Period of confinement

(1)The period during which a person is to be confined in a quarantine facility shall be for a minimum period of 14 clear days, excluding the first day on which the person is confined.
(2)On the fourteenth day of being confined in a quarantine facility, the quarantine officer shall carry out another medical examination on the person by taking a biological sample from that person, including a sample of that person’s respiratory secretions or blood by appropriate means or by swabbing that person’s nasopharyngeal cavity, or by requiring the person to provide such a sample.
(3)Subject to paragraph (4), where a person from whom a biological sample is taken pursuant to paragraph (2) is tested as not being infected with COVID-19, the person shall be released from the quarantine facility.
(4)A person who is tested as not being infected with COVID-19 shall –
(a)not be released from the quarantine facility; and
(b)be confined for another minimum period of 7 clear days,
where another person, who is confined in that quarantine facility, is tested as being infected with COVID-19.

7. Offences

Any person who –
(a)refuses to be confined in a quarantine facility;
(b)refuses to undergo a medical examination or an assessment;
(c)absconds, or attempts to abscond, from the quarantine facility where he is confined;
(d)provides false or misleading information whilst being assessed under regulation 5(2);
(e)obstructs, whilst being confined in a quarantine facility, another person in the discharge of his functions under these regulations;
(f)enters or remains, without the authorisation of a quarantine officer, in a quarantine facility;
(g)whilst being in a quarantine facility, damages any property therein;
(h)fraudulently abstracts anything not belonging to himself from a quarantine facility; or
(i)otherwise contravenes these regulations,
shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 500,000 rupees and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years.

8. Savings

Any person who, prior to 12 June 2020, was quarantined in any quarantine centre under the revoked Prevention and Mitigation of Infectious Disease (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 and who, on 12 June 2020, has not been discharged from the quarantine centre shall be deemed to be confined under these regulations.

9. Commencement

These regulations shall come into operation on 12 June 2020.

First Schedule (Regulation 2)

Republic of Mauritius

Ministry of Health and Wellness

Certificate of quarantine issued under Section 7(2) of the Quarantine Act 2020

In accordance with the Quarantine (COVID-19) Regulations 2020, I, the undersigned Quarantine Officer, certify that you,Mr/Mrs/Ms ______________________________________________(surname/name), holder of National Identity Card No./Passport No._________________________________ shall, as from _____________________________(first day of confinement), be confined in the quarantine facility at _____________________(address) for a minimum period of 14 clear days, excluding the first day of confinement.You shall be required –
(a)on the first day of your confinement;
(b)on the seventh day of your confinement (excluding the first day of confinement); and
(c)on the fourteenth day of your confinement (excluding the first day of confinement),
to undergo a PCR test, by allowing a medical practitioner to take a biological sample from you, including a sample of your respiratory secretions or blood by appropriate means or by swabbing your nasopharyngeal cavity, or requiring you to provide such a sample.If you are tested as being infected with COVID-19, you shall forthwith be transferred to a hospital for treatment.Where, after having undergone all your PCR tests, you are tested as not being infected with COVID-19, and subject to no other person confined in the same quarantine facility being tested as being infected with COVID-19, you shall be discharged.If, on the fourteenth day of your confinement (excluding the first day of confinement), you have been tested as being not infected with COVID-19 but another person who was confined in the same quarantine facility as you is tested as being infected with COVID-19, you shall be confined for a further period of 7 days and shall undergo another PCR test on your last day of confinement._____________________________Name of Quarantine Officer_____________________________Date_____________________________Signature of Quarantine Officer_____________________________Stamp

Second Schedule (Regulation 2)


[Second Schedule substituted by section 3 of Government Notice 133 of 2020 and by section 3 Government Notice 159 of 2020 and repealed by section 4 of Government Notice 186 of 2020]
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