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Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund Act Act 31 of 2001 30 June 2017
Action Familiale Act Act 38 of 1964 30 June 2017
Additional Remuneration (2011) Act 2010 Act 11 of 2010 30 June 2017
Additional Remuneration (2012) Act 2011 Act 41 of 2011 30 June 2017
Additional Remuneration (2014) Act 2013 Act 29 of 2013 30 June 2017
Additional Remuneration (2015) Act 2014 Act 6 of 2014 30 June 2017
Additional Remuneration (2017) Act 2016 Act 32 of 2016 30 June 2017
Additional Remuneration Act Act 13 of 2007 30 June 2017
Additional Remuneration Act 2008 Act 22 of 2008 30 June 2017
Additional Remuneration Act 2009 Act 13 of 2009 30 June 2017
Additional Remuneration and Other Allowances (2018) Act 2019 Act 19 of 2017 30 June 2017
Additional Remuneration (No. 2) Act 2009 Act 22 of 2009 30 June 2017
Affidavits of Prescription Act Act 27 of 1958 30 June 2017
Affidavits of Prescription Act (Suspension of Certain Provisions) Act Act 23 of 2012 30 June 2017
Agaléga (Administrative and Judicial Provisions) Act Act 19 of 1976 30 June 2017
Agaléga Island Council Act Act 4 of 2004 30 June 2017
Agricultural Chemists Act Act 20 of 1979 30 June 2017
Aliens Registration Act Act 51 of 1956 30 June 2017
Amédée Maingard de la Ville-es-Offrans Foundation Act Act 8 of 1992 30 June 2017
Anglican Church Incorporation Act Act 7 of 1973 30 June 2017
Animal Feed Control Act Act 32 of 1977 30 June 2017
Animal Welfare Act Act 19 of 2013 30 June 2017
Anti-Personnel Mines (Prohibition) Act Act 1 of 2001 30 June 2017
Artificial Insemination of Animals (Control) Act Act 63 of 1946 30 June 2017
Asset Recovery Act Act 9 of 2011 30 June 2017
Ayurvedic and Other Traditional Medicines Act Act 37 of 1989 30 June 2017
Bail Act Act 32 of 1990 30 June 2017
Banking Act Act 35 of 2004 30 June 2017
Bank of Mauritius Act Act 34 of 2004 30 June 2017
Beach Authority Act Act 7 of 2002 30 June 2017
Bearer Bonds (Immunities and Privileges) Act Act 32 of 1982 30 June 2017
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention Act Act 2 of 2004 30 June 2017
Board of Agriculture and Natural Resources Act Act 2 of 1977 30 June 2017
Bonds Act Act 7 of 1981 30 June 2017
Borrower Protection Act Act 2 of 2007 30 June 2017
Building Control Act Act 9 of 2012 30 June 2017
Build Operate Transfer Projects Act Act 1 of 2016 30 June 2017
Bus Industry Employees Welfare Fund Act Act 36 of 2002 30 June 2017
Bus Industry Property Acquisition Act Act 16 of 1983 30 June 2017
Business and Trade Names (Prohibition) Act Act 6 of 1988 30 June 2017
Business Registration Act Act 40 of 2002 30 June 2017
Butte à Tonniers Stream (Authorised Construction) Act Act 50 of 1992 30 June 2017
Cadastral Survey Act Act 22 of 2011 30 June 2017
Captive Insurance Act Act 32 of 2015 30 June 2017
Cassam Uteem Foundation for Children Act Act 15 of 1999 30 June 2017
Caudan Bridges, Port Louis (Authorised Construction) Act Act 15 of 1996 30 June 2017
Central Electricity Board Act Act 32 of 1963 30 June 2017
Central Water Authority Act Act 20 of 1971 30 June 2017
Centre de Lecture Publique et d’ Animation Culturelle Act Act 4 of 2009 30 June 2017
Certificate of Character Act Act 18 of 2012 30 June 2017